Dove Chocolate Bar bogo Free Coupon

Can’t decide sometimes whether you want a dark chocolate bar or a light chocolate bar? Now you don’t have to with a Dove Chocolate Bar bogo free coupon. When you buy one you get one! The coupon is a bogo (buy one get one) FREE up to a $1.09 value on a 1.15 – 1.3 oz bar.

You would have laughed if you would have seen me at the check out counter a few weeks ago. I literally was doing the I can’t decide dance. I would pick up one of the silky smooth Dove dark chocolate bar only to put it down again and pick up the milky smooth one. I love Dove chocolate. There is nothing smoother than that.

Then I come across these great bogo coupon. I have to tell you it makes my life simpler! The next time I’m at my supermarket there’s only a dance of pure delight, lol. I could get both of my chocolate bars and it would be a lucky day too if they were on sale. MMmmmm chocolate…..

If you have never tried a Dove candy bar then now is the time. They melt in your mouth they are so smooth and creamy. There is nothing else like them. Look for your Dove Chocolate Bar bogo free coupon and you will see what I mean.

Coupon for bogo Free Dove Chocolate Bar

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Lynn Levy April 11, 2012 at 7:09 pm

who needs to share… I enjoyed both lol

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